Adding External News Links

As well as creating your own news items you can also link to external news created by industry bodies or other news organisations.

You can link any page of news but for modern sites complying to the latest web standards it will bring through image, title and description information when linking.  For other sites we can add these manually on news link creation.

  1. On your site click from 'New' and in the dropdown choose 'News Link'.

    News Link - Select
  2. On the right side of your screen, post in the URL link to the item you want to reference

    News Link - Edit
  3. If this extracts the image, title and description then you can edit these now. Alternatively you can add your own for a link to information hosted externally to you intranet. Complete this by posting the item.
  4. If you want to target the news and include in filtering then go to your Site Pages in Site Contents and you will find a page which relates to your news title. By clicking on the information pane you can tag the news link to be filtered depending on your targeted choices. You can also do this, to set "show on home" to yes, if you want this external item to appear on your homepage carousel. 

    News Link - Filtering