Configuring Search Result Sources

A Search Result Source is a phrased used within SharePoint to name a set of search results based on a specific search query. An equivalent in web-terms might be the "Web", "Images", "Maps", "Video" or "News" options visible when you search using a search engine like Bing:


Search RS - Bing


In Bing, these are used to describe what are referred to as search "verticals" or slices of a larger set of results. So, as an example, a search vertical could be used to provide only Images in the results. In a similar way, a Search Result Source is used throughout the FastStart site to provide a subset of all search results - so for instance, only documents that are tagged in a particular way.

The construction of the queries used by a Search Result Source is not covered by this documentation but more information can be found here.

  1. Search Result Sources are typically managed from the SharePoint Admin Centre so you will need to be an administrator in order to access, edit or create new result sources.
  2. By navigating to the SharePoint Admin Centre, and selecting "more features" you have an option for "Search"

  3. In here, you get another option for Manage result sources where you can then see a list of all the result sources that have been created. 

  4. To edit a Search Result Source, hover over the relevant item and click "edit" to open the result source. 
  5. Once editing, you will see a launch query builder button that opens up the window where you can configure or update that search result source.