Creating and Checking into a key result

Creating a Key Result

Objectives are your big end goal, another good example would be:
  • Goal: Increase user adoption of our Intranet
This isn't measurable on its own, so to be able to measure the progress of an objective, you'll need to create one or more key results. You can do this by clicking the 'New' button on an objective page and selecting 'Key Result'.

From here you're able to set the name and description of the key result, it's good to be as specific as possible when creating a key result, it should be very easy to tell whether or not it has been achieved - for example, given the objective 'Increase user adoption of our Intranet' you could create a key result such as:
  • Increase the number of unique logins to the Intranet by 25% within the Q2
You'll notice for key results, we ask you to provide an initial and target value. This is so when you periodically use the platform to provide an update, the chart will be able to show you your progress. For the example above, that could be 0 and 25.
Checking Into a Key Result
To increase the progress of a key result, you will need to 'check in' to it periodically - you can do this by heading to the page of the key result and clicking the 'Check In' button in the top right corner.

Here you can enter a message to accompany the check in, and the new value of the key result.