Creating a Policy Acknowledgement

Policy Acknowledgement is a great way of publishing a document and getting everyone or targeted users to show they have viewed and read it.

Policy Acknowledge only works on documents and is best used for Office or Adobe PDF documents for the viewing.

Policy Acknowledgement - Complete

To create a Policy Acknowledgement on a document first ensure it is in a location that all users who require to read the document can access it. Otherwise users will be asked to review a document that don’t have permissions to read.

Follow these steps to create a Policy Acknowledgement on your document when it is stored in the document library.

  1. Highlight your document and from the ellipse drop down choose the 'Doc Acknowledge' option
    Doc Acknowledge Button
  2. This will now present a configuration screen for setting up the acknowledgement.  Choose a Title for the user to see and pick the assigned to for this.  Note the assigned to can be a group or individual users.  Then confirm if you want to monitor group changes, send notifications or force acknowledge.
  3. When using a group, you cannot use a nested group such as "Intranet Visitors", you would have to use the group closest to the users e.g. "All Staff". (Typically "Intranet Visitors" is nested with an "All Staff" group). 

    Policy Acknowledgement - Create
  4. Once all set up and configured the click to Create the acknowledgement.