Creating an initiative

The last thing you'll be creating are initiatives, these aren't measurable entities, but are useful for keeping track of tasks that align to an objective. To create an initiative, you can click the 'New' button on an objective page and select 'Initiative'.

In addition to the OKR model, we thought it would be beneficial to include initiative as it's something we have used internally. It doesn't have to be measurable which is why it's not considered a key result, but it's more of an action or task that will help contribute to completing your objective.

From here you'll be able to add a title and description for the initiative, following our previous example, where our objective is 'Increase user adoption of our Intranet' we could have an initiative called 'Create an article on getting to know your intranet' - this is a simple task that can be completed and contribute towards the end goal, but isn't used to directly measure the progress.