Creating Team Sites

  1. In order to create a Team Site which isn't connected to an Office 365 group, select 'Other Options'.

    Team Sites - Select
  2. You can now create a "Team Site" that doesn't get associated to an Office 365 group.
    Team Sites - Details 
    1. Give your new Team site a name and update the URL to match the naming convention that has been implemented for your intranet. (Take a look at some existing sites that have been created for a reminder)
    2. Add yourself in as the primary administrator.
    3. Select a language and timeszone for your site
  3. Click 'Finish'. Your site will be created and will appear among the sites you're following. You will then need to navigate to your new site to make some further configuration changes
  4. Navigate to your site and on the settings cog in the top right corner, select "apply a site template"

  5. In here, you will see a template for "Team Sites" under "from your organisation" 

  6. Once you run the template, all our customisations will be configured and applied to the site. After this, select the settings cog again and select 'Site Information'.

    Comms Site - Settings
  7. On this menu, you will see a drop down box for "Hub Site Association", use this dropdown to link your site to a Hub site. 

    Team Sites - Title
  8. From the same settings menu, select site permissions to add in the necessary people who need access.

    Team Sites - Permissions
  9. By default, our site design will add in these three groups which will provide everyone read access through the "Intranet Visitors" group. Remove this group if you want the site to be private.

    Team Sites - Members
  10. The template would have updated the homepage of the site with some instructions, follow the instructions provided on your page.

    Team Sites - Next Steps