Creating Views for Libraries and Lists

You can create custom views of libraries and lists to organize and show items that are most important to you (like certain columns), to add filtering or sorting, or to have a more engaging style. You can create a personal view (that only you can see) or, if you have permissions to do so, you can create a public view for everyone who uses the list to see.

To create a new view based on the current one, follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, make the changes you want to make to the list or library, whether this is applying a filter, or removing/adding a new column.

    View Create - Filter

  2. Show or Hide columns option will appear by clicking on the "Add Column" button.

    View Create - C Options
  3. You could then choose to hide or show a different set of columns.

    View Create - C Options Add
  4. After you have made the changes, In the command bar of your list, select View dropdown.

    View Create - View Options
  5. You will then see the option to "Save view as"

    View Create - Save View As
  6. Once prompted, you can then specify the name of your new view (which will take the filters and changes you applied earlier). You can also decide if you want to make the view public to other users.

    View Create - Save View As Title

To create a new view from scratch:

  1. Go to your list and click on the settings cog in the top right corner to go to the List settings.

    Views Scratch - Settings
  2. At the bottom of the Settings page, click Create view.
    Views Scratch - Create View
  3. On the View Type page, choose a view type, which opens the Create View page for that view type. The most common view type is Standard View which displays your list items one row following another. Standard View is the default for most types of lists.

    Views Scratch - Standard
  4. In the View Name box, type the name for your view.
  5. Select "Make this the default view" if you want to make this the default view for the list. Only a public view can be the default view.
  6. In the Audience section, under View Audience, select Create a Personal view or Create a Public view. Create a personal view when you want a view just for yourself. Create a public view when you want everyone who uses the list to see it.
    Views Scratch - View Name
  7. In the Columns section, select the columns that you want in the view and clear the columns that you don’t want to appear. Next to the column numbers, select the order that you want to columns to appear in the view.

    Views Scratch - Filters
  8. Change other settings for your view, such as Sort and Filter, and then click OK at the bottom of the page.