How to Configure the Favourites Web Part

This webpart lets people add their own Link Tiles, and they only appear for that person.

1. Add the webpart to your page from the list of webparts:


2. Edit the webpart. The first option you should see is the below under Data:


- Percy Resources: if you plan to use the Favourites on multiple sites in your intranet, and want people's favourites to be consistant across sites, select this option. This is a site which is integral to Percy, with the URL suffix "/sites/percyresources"
- This Site: if you only plan to use the Favourites on one site, or don't need them to be consistant across sites, select this option.

NOTE: in the site you select, you will need to create a list called "Favourites". Without this list, people will not be able to save their favourites. This list needs the below column names & types to be set up:
- Tiles: Multiple Lines of Text
- User: Person or Group

3: The rest of the options are related to the formatting, shown below:


- Display: choose between grid view or list view. If grid view is selected, you will see a slider for the amount of columns to display
- Background Colour: the colour of the tile
- Foreground Colour: the colour of the text

Once you are happy with the configuration, publish the page. People will now be able to add their own favourites.