How to Configure the New Joiners Web Part

The New Joiner component has been built to automatically pull through new accounts that have been created in your environment. This is so it can dynamically display new joiners without you having to manually input each new person. 

  1. Start by adding the webpart to the page

  2. The edit pen will bring up the following options


    1. Started in...: This allows you to determine how far back to look for new accounts. This will search for the created date of the account
    2. Only how people with given name/surname: This toggle is to help mitigate potential test or admin accounts which typically wouldn't have a surname set.
    3. Number of users: So you can limit how many accounts are pulled through. 
    4. Domain filter: lets you only show accounts that have the domain you specify
    5. Layout: can either be Default which shows extra information about the user, or Company which only shows the name