This webpart replaces our People Finder webpart.
This webpart is part of the Percy Web Parts app which is included in the Percy site templates. If you do not see this webpart, add the Percy Web Parts app to your site.
Start by adding the People Directory webpart to your page:
Once added, click on the pencil icon in the corner of the webpart to continue the setup.
The first thing to configure is the search source. These are based on Result Sources which can be configured from the SharePoint Admin Centre. These act as queries which control what items are returned when searching. In this case, we want to select a result source which only shows people, such as Local People Results.
For the Functionality settings you get the below options:
- Enable Pagination: this separates results into separate pages, and lets people flick through pages at the bottom of the webpart.
- Results Per Page: if pagination is enabled, this sets how many people are shown per page.
- Trim Duplicates
- Fuzzy Search Accuracy: determines how exact a search query has to be for similar results to appear. The lower the number, only exact matches are shown. The higher the number, the more similar results are shown.
- Filterable Properties: type properties into this box to allow people to filter by them.
- Primary / Secondary / Tertiary / Quarternary Display Property: these are the different user properties that are displayed for each person.
- Index Property: when selecting a letter to filter by, this determines whether it filters by first name or last name.
- Show Users on Load: when enabled, people are displayed automatically when the page loads. When disabled, people have to interact with the webpart for results to appear.
Under Appearance you get the below options:
Layout: select between List or Grid view.
Use Fallback Image Source: enabling this may help with profile pictures not loading.
Search Box Placeholder: the placeholder text shown in the search box when nothing is entered.