How to Configure the Quick Tip Web Part

The Quick Tip web part is a great way to display tips or announcements on your homepage. This is a fully customisable block which you can edit the colour, icon and text used to use this how you wish. 

1. Firstly, add the quick tip webpart to your page. This will re-size to the space you've added it in automatically


2. Once added, you can click on the edit pen to bring up the configuration. The below options are available under Content:

Title: Displays text in bold at the top of the webpart
Text: The main body of text
Icon: Select from a range of Microsoft's icons to add this next to the title

3. Under Functionality you get the below options:

Show Button: Adds a button beneath the text. This is required for the rest of the options under Functionality
Open Link in New Tab
Button Link
Button Text
Button Type
: This changes the formatting of the button

4. Under Appearance, you get options to customise the background colours, text colours, and allignment, like so. The preset colours will depend on your theme:

5. Once done, publish the page or save as draft. Below is an example of the Quick Tips webpart with the options selected from above: