How to Configure the Search Refiners Web Part

The 'Refiners' Web Part allows to filter the current results displayed in a 'Search Results' Web Part. This component is highly configurable to meet you requirements and it works for all data sources.

Once you add this component to the page and edit it, you can see the following configuration options:


    1. Edit refiners: This is where you can add in the fields you want to refine by
    2. Connect to search results web part: This is so you can connect your refiners to the search results. The same will need to happen to your search results webpart to connect it back the other way
    3. Styling options: So you can alter how the refiners behave vertically or in a panel. 
  1. The refiners you choose to pull through need to be managed properties in SharePoint. Not every column can be used by default, you may need to make the columns refinable by using a empty managed property and mapping it to your custom column. 
  2. This aspect of refiners does require SharePoint admin experience with knowledge of SharePoint Search. Please speak to our support team if you need further support setting this up.