How to Configure the Team Contacts Web Part

The Team Contacts webpart can be used to dynamically display your team members based on user profile properties. This can be useful if your team changes often or you regularly onboard new members. 

  1. Firstly, you will need to add the Team Contacts webpart to the page


  2. You can then give your webpart heading a title and click on the edit pen to set up your configuration

  3. The panel will then open giving you the following options:

    1. Specify People: Lets you manually display specific people.
    2. Search Property: This is used to target users you want to dynamically pull through based on a specific property, such as "Department" or "JobTitle" 
    3. Search Value: Based on the search property, returns results that match. For example, if your search property is Department, you might use Sales or HR as the search value
    4. Layout: A few layout options to change the size of the people tiles that are returned. 
    5. Delve Properties: If you use delve, you will be familiar with the additional information you can add such as skills, about me and projects. This is to give you the option if you want this information to pull through or not. 
  4. Here is an example of some configuration I've applied to display Patti plus anyone in the HR department. 

  5. Patti appears as she has been directly specified, and then Diego appears as his Department property matches "HR"