How to Configure the User Summary Web Part

The user summary webpart will automatically pull through users details showing tasks, teams and my analytics "focus time" so there will be minimum configuration required in order to start using it. This webpart can just be added to your page. 


  • Tasks - This number will just be an indicator of the number of tasks you have due today
  • Meetings Today - This is an indicator on how many Teams meetings you have set today in your calendar. Your mailbox will need to be online or in a hybrid environment rather than on-premise.
  • Focus Time - This will either show "no focus time", "book focus time" or your next focus time slot. if you haven't configured focus time before, you are likely to see the "book focus time" option that will take you to the focus time configuration page. 

In order for the focus time configuration to work, your account will need to be licensed to use focus time which is part of the Insights by MyAnalytics licensing. If you receive errors, please check with your IT team that you have the appropriate licensing assigned.