How to create and manage courses in Percy Academy

Only Course Admins can create and manage courses

Courses can be created and managed by navigating to Percy Academy and clicking the cog icon along the top navigation and selecting Manage Courses. If you do not see this option, you do not have permission to create and manage courses.

Creating New Courses

Start by clicking the cog in the top right of Percy Academy and click Manage Courses, then click the Create New Course button. You will see a screen like below:


The first screen allows you to define the details about the course itself, including an image, categories, key contacts, as well as whether the course is mandatory or a featured course.

To start creating your course content, click Course Content just below the search bar, and you will see the below:percy-academy-v2-create-2

Courses are broken down into Modules and Steps. Modules are like the sections or chapters, and steps are the content contained within those modules. The different types of steps are shown on the right.

The different types of steps are:

- Rich Text: allows you to write and format text with style, including bold, italic, tables, and hyperlinks.

- Videos: allows you to embed videos from Youtube, Vimeo, or Stream. Note that videos are not stored within Percy Academy, so if the videos or links are changed this could impact the video in the course.

- Quizes: allows you to create quizes with either single or multiple answers

- PDF Documents: allows you to embed PDFs which are either hosted in your SharePoint or are publicly available. While the use of external documents is enabled, it's advisable to take caution as these documents may not be owned by yourself and its content may change without notice.

- When you save a course, the VLE will automatically download all PDF documents and store them inside a secure Azure Storage account associated with your tenant.

- If you update a PDF that's hosted in your SharePoint, they have their versioning taken care of already. When a course is saved, Percy Academy will automatically ensure it has the latest version available.

- External PDF documents are stored using their URL. For changes to take effect within your course, you only need to update the PDF filename.

- SharePoint Pages: Downloads and displays content from a SharePoint page

- Similar to internal PDFs, page content is downloaded and stored inside a secure Azure Storage account associated with your tenant, and when updating a course Percy Academy will check the version of the SharePoint page saved is the most up-to-date version.


Add your first step to the module by clicking the type of step you want to add. To add more steps to a module, click the Add Step button below the bottom step. Step order can be changed by clicking the Up or Down arrows respectively next. Steps can be editted by clicking the edit button next to the delete button. To add a new Module, click the Add Module button below the bottom module:percy-academy-v2-create-3

Once you are happy with your course, you can either choose to save it as a draft or publish it. Select from the dropdown next to the Save button, then click Save.


Managing Courses

On the Manage Courses screen, you can see all of the existing courses, their creation and last modified date, and which courses have been published. Click the Edit button to make changes to an existing course.


Reporting & Filtering

Click the cog in the top right and click Reporting to be taken to the reporting dashboard. This screen shows you high-level reports about your courses and how users are engaging with them.

The first segment shows an overview of how many courses have been started and completed today, or in the last 7 or 31 days depending on the timeframe you select:


Beneath these stats you'll be able to select a course and view the complete history of that course. As courses can be edited and users can take them multiple times, a course version is also displayed:


If your course has quizes, a View Quiz Data button will show next to that users activity. This displays how they scored on the quizes in the course:


Above the history there is a searchbar where you can search for users.