Manage Group Enabled Team Site Membership

For group enabled sites where we have members and owners it is easier to manage the permissions from conversations which is the Outlook view. You can tell if a site is group enabled by the 'Private Group' or 'Public Group' text that appears with the title of the site.

SP Groups - Private

  1. From your SharePoint site hover the mouse over the site title and this will pop out some more information on managing the group along with links to its resources.
    SP Groups - Card
  2. From this pop out click you will see all the group information including members and the ability to add members.

    SP Groups - Members
  3. Once you click on 'Add Members' this brings you to an Outlook screen where you can manage Owners and Members to your group or SharePoint site. Use this interface to easily manage your group membership and for top level SharePoint access.

    SP Groups - Pullout Card

  4. To get back you can use the ellipse to take you back to the Site.

    SP Groups - Return to Site