Manage Tags in the Term Store

There are two ways to manage Tags in the term store with the first option below showing how a SharePoint Administrator would complete the task.  A second option is available through the site and will be covered lower down in this section.

  1. As a SharePoint Administrator in the tenant open up the 'Classic' SharePoint Administration console from Office 365 Admin.

    Tagging - Admin
  2. From the SharePoint admin centre click "more features" on the left hand side to find a button for the Term Store. You may see a different version of the term store, one being the modern version and the classic older version


    Tagging - Settings
  3. Click into the folder titled "Percy" where you will see all the different term sets available such as "Departments", "Document Types" and "News Categories". if you select the one you wish to update, you will either see three dots or a black arrow to expand a menu. 
  4. On the menu, you will see an option to create or add a new term. 

  5. Tagging - Tags
  6. While navigating around some of the options require you to Save before moving on while others will commit the changes as you add them. Be aware of this when working in the classic Term Store.
  7. Adding tags from the site you are working in directly is also possible and is covered under create tags for your documents.