Moving or Copying Documents

Within your document libraries, you will now see an option to "Copy to" or "Move to" when selecting your documents.

Move to

  1. Select the items you want to move.
  2. In the main menu at the top of the page, click 'Move to'.

    Move Docs - Move Button
  3. In the 'Choose a destination' pane, select the new location in the document library where you want the files to go and click 'Move here'.

    Move Docs - Library Select
  4. In the 'Choose destination' pane, you can also click 'New folder' to add a new folder to the document library and move the item to the new folder. Type the name of the new folder in the text box, click the check mark, and then click 'Move here'.

    Move Docs - Move Select

When you use 'Move to', the history of the document is copied to the new destination

Copy to

  1. Select the items that you want to copy, and then click 'Copy to'.

    Copy To - Copy Button
  2. Under 'Choose a destination', select the location where you want a copy of the files, folders, or links to go. If you're copying to a different site or subsite and don't see it listed, click 'Browse sites' to see the full list of sites that you can copy to.

    Copy To - Library Select
  3. To create a new folder to copy the files to, select a location in the folder hierarchy and click 'New folder'.
    1. Type the name of the new folder in the text box.

      Copy To - Copy Select
  4. Click the check mark, and then click 'Copy here'.

    Copy To - Confirm

    When you use 'Copy to' with documents that have version history, only the latest version is copied