What is and configuring Percy Leave

Percy Leave simplifies the process of requesting and managing time off for your employees. With our app, employees can easily request time off for annual, sick, or any other type of leave you configure, and managers or approvers can quickly approve or deny requests directly from their inbox or Microsoft Teams.
Percy Leave features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for employees to send their leave requests, view their leave balances and track their leave requests all in one place.
Adding Percy Leave to your intranet is a bit more involved than most of our applications, as it involves provisioning Power Automate flows, so at this time, to have it set up, you will need to reach out to our support team, and they will be able to help get you set up!

Leave Config - percyleave/Lists/LeaveConfig

In the 'Leave Config' list, you will need to add one item (& one item only) that holds all your default settings for the app. When submitting an item into the list, these are the fields which will appear:
  • Conflicts Level: this setting controls what happens when a user tries to book leave that causes a conflict with another user, the options here are:
    • Ignore: nothing will happen when there is a conflict
    • Warning: shows a message saying that there is a conflict, and it will be at the discretion of their approver to decide whether to allow the leave of absence
    • Disable: does not allow the user to complete a request where there are conflicts
  • Year Start Month: the number of the month in the year starting at 0 (e.g., April = 3)
  • Year Start Date: the date in the month starting at 1 (e.g., 5th of April = 5)
  • Default HR Contact: a fallback contact that will be sent approvals if a user does not have a manager assigned in Azure AD or an approver manually set in the 'Leave Approvers' list. This can be configured as a group if you want this "default" contact to be multiple users.
  • AM Start Time: the time a request would start from if it started in the AM (e.g., 09:00)
  • AM End Time: the time a request would end if it ended at lunchtime (e.g., 12:00)
  • PM Start Time: the time a request would start from if it started after lunchtime (e.g., 13:00)
  • PM End Time: the time a request would start from if it ended at the end of the day (e.g., 17:30)
  • Allowance: all user allowances calculated as a percentage of this, so this would be your company's base allowance in days (e.g., 25)
  • Leave Handover Reminder Message: this rich text field will be the body of the calendar item that the user is sent when their leave is approved, it can be used to remind the user to hand over any work that needs to be.
  • Admin Security Group: the display name of the Azure Security Group that your admins will be in. Admins can see all users leave on the platform, this doesn't need to include line managers as line managers will automatically see users who "report" to them as long as that value is correct in the users profile from Azure.

People Allocations - percyleave/Lists/People%20Allocations

Every user in your leave system will need an item in the 'Leave User Entries' list, this will be where their allowance and other properties are stored:
  • Title: The users email address
  • Remaining Leave: The number of days the user has left from the budget
  • Allocated Leave: The number of days the user has budgeted leave
  • Year: the year of this entry (users will need a new entry for each year)
  • Country: Where the user resides
  • Employee: the reference to the user, From the users account in AD
  • Enabled: The shows whether they will be pulling through to the app, if a user has left you can disable them and keep the data.
  • Total Working Days: This is the users working day for the Year, not required for Leave but can be useful for company data
  • Working days: All the days have a column that you can set the number of working hours for the week. this will depict the entry that gets sent to the user for a full day or half day.

Leave Conflict Groups - percyleave/Lists/LeaveConflictGroups

These can be used for managing leave concurrency in teams:
  • Title: the name of the group (e.g., Marketing Team)
  • Group Members: the users who make up this team
  • Group Limit: how many concurrent users able to take leave at any given time


Leave Categories - percyleave/Lists/LeaveCategories

This is the list of categories users can pick from when sending leave requests:
  • Title: the name of the category (e.g. Annual Leave)
  • Deductible: do requests in the category deduct leave from the user's allowance?
  • Ignore Conflicts: should requests in this category ignore the conflict groups (for example, sick leave would ignore conflicts)
  • Fluent Icon: the name of an icon from the Microsoft Fluent Icons (Fluent UI - Styles - React - Fluent UI Icons (microsoft.com)) that will show up against requests of this type
  • Auto Approve: whether requests should go through the approval process

Leave Approvers - percyleave/Lists/Leave%20Approvers

This list contains overrides for the approval process, by default the users manager in Azure AD is sent the approval request, but if you add a new approver in this list it will be sent to this approver instead:
  • Colleague: the reference to the user making the request
  • Approver: the reference to the user who will approve the request

Leave Public Holidays - percyleave/Lists/LeavePublicHolidays

This list will hold all the public holidays that will automatically be counted towards a user's allowance, for example if you add 'New Years Day' and a user requested that day off, no allowance would be deducted. The list is configured as follows:
  • Title: the name of the holiday (e.g., New Years Day)
  • Date: the date of the holiday

Percy Leave Appointments

As part of the service there is a Power Automate running in the background that requires a mail enabled user to send calendar invites. This can be separate as a shared mailbox with send permissions. On completion of an approved entry two appointments will be sent using this email address, One to the recipient and the other to the manager. (If it is a self approval only a single entry will be sent)