Percy Onboarding - Admin

For Owners and Managers, the Manage page will be available within the navigation bar.

Manage Colleagues 

This is where you assign journeys to your colleagues that they are required to complete.  

To set up a new colleague, you would click the "Add New Colleague" button, you are required to fill in their email address (As long as it is discoverable within AD you can add them), line manager and HR contact. You also have the option to assign an onboarding buddy. 


In the next view, you can assign journeys to your colleague, you can add them later if not sure. 

The final option is so that you can confirm they have all the tasks required, once you’re happy, click yes and you’re done! 


When a colleague has been added you now have an option to view the colleague. Here you can amend the contacts assigned to them, mark a task as incomplete if incorrectly completed, remove a task that is no longer required for them or add a task/journey that they now require. 


Manage Steps 

From this section, you can create and manage steps. Steps are the tasks that are assigned to the colleague and can contain links that need to be visited, require documents to be uploaded, or simply contain a text input that needs to be filled in. 


Create New Step 

Title – this is the title that is visible to the colleague in their list of steps 

Internal Name – this is only visible in the manage area and so can be used for your organisational purposes. For example, the title could be ‘Upload your Passport’ but the internal name could be ‘Passport Upload (Non-UK)’. 

Description - you can add some context for the colleague and give them a bit more information about what you have asked them to complete 

Send Notification - if ticked this will send an email to the assigned line manager and HR contact when a user completes this step 

Links - if you require them to read or download and edit a document you can set the link here it will be clickable by the user 

Required Documents - if you require a document to be added the user can add it here, you just set the title of the document that you need 

Input Text - If you are asking a question of the user that needs documenting you can add an input box 


You can edit all steps that you need by clicking the edit button, making the changes and saving it on this page. 


Manage Journeys 

From this section, you can create and manage journeys. Journeys are a collection of templated steps that can be assigned to a colleague in batch to save you time. 


Create New Journey 

Here you can give your journey a title, this will be the name of the collection of tasks that are required, for example, ‘Base Colleague’. 

You can click add steps to surface all the steps that you have already created and select the ones needed for this journey. 

Once they have all been selected you can click add steps and create the journey. 

When a journey has been created, you can go to this page to edit a journey, where you can add new and remove old steps. 


Transfer Colleague Progress 

From this section, you could transfer progress between user accounts, for example, if a user began their journey with their personal email address, and you would like to move the progress over to their organisation's email address.