Publishing Breaking News

Use Breaking News to highlight critical or important information to all users like system outages or important updates, which are relevant for a fixed period of time

  1. Go to the Intranet and on the footer click 'New Breaking News'. This button only appears for people who are content owners of the news site. 
  2. Complete the details of that news covering:

    1. Internal Name - this isn't shown to people, but is required for the back-end list that the breaking news is stored against.
    2. Importance - Normal just shows the text you put in the body. High importance adds an alert icon.
    3. Audience Targeting - If you only need some people to see the news, select one or multiple Microsoft 365 or Security groups. Only members of those groups will see the news.
    4. Body of the item - This is the text that will appear in the breaking news banner. 
    5. Start Date - Set a date for when you want your breaking news to begin. 
    6. End Date - Set the date for when your breaking news item should expire. 
  3. Create the item and it will appear in the Break News for audience and period you state. You can display multiple Breaking News items at the same time. 

All Breaking News items are stored in Site Contents of your News site. Breaking News can also be updated or changed from this location:

Breaking News - List