Searching Across Sites

The Intranet has a couple of ways for searching and the standard way is to use the 'Search across sites' option available in all sites. This will search across the main Intranet and return News, Documents and Pages of information.

  1. To search click in the displayed area and it will prepare for type ahead searching:

  2. When you type in this will filter down results and when your ready press the return key or click on the search icon.

  3. Once submitted users are then shown an Intranet results page allowing filtering on All content, Files, Sites and News.

  4. Above the search box you can see a breadcrumb which in the above screenshot shows as "Organization > Intranet".  This allows you to widen your search to provide an Organization wide search (all sites in the tenant).

  5. When a search is complete either click through to the results or use the 'Exit search' option in the top left

    Search - Exit 2
  6. One thing to note about Search, is that the search bar scope will be for all sites in the hub. If you have multiple hubs, bare in mind that the results are only specific to the hub you are in. If you have a separate "HR" hub, you would need to go to the HR site first to run your search if you are looking for HR related content. 
  7. Search will follow you through the structure as you navigate to each site, each level down you get the search scope will change to be more specific to the site you are in. This happens all the way down to the document library level.