Searching with Document Centre

To search on the Intranet for published documents, you can do this via your Documents Hub. If you don't have a "Documents Hub" then its likely that this hasn't been configured by your Intranet project team. 

  1. From the documents hub site, find the search box and use this to initially filter down the results.

    Doc Centre - Search
  2. To help filter documents down further there are a number of common filter options displayed which allows for file, department or document type along with the created date.
    Doc Centre - Filter
  3. By clicking on the document this will open up in the browser for easy viewing.
  4. The documents hub site is a search alternative giving you the ability to go to one place to surface and find all the intranet content. By using tagging, you are able to narrow down the searches to make it easier to find. The alternative is navigating directly to the site where you know the document has been stored and opening up the document library.