Using Percy Leave

How to submit a leave entry?

On arriving on the leave screen, you are greeted with a calendar view. You can see how much leave you have left located above the 'request leave' screen. This is a central point where you can always keep track of much leave you have left to help you book those holidays.
To book leave, click on the 'request a leave'. Here you can fill out all your leave information including the type of leave category, start date, and end dates.
There is a feature called 'leave lens' which shows you any other colleagues who have a holiday in the same time period you are going on yours. So before going ahead and booking your leave, you can change any leave if it conflicts with any member of your team.
The leave tool lets you add any additional information and notes to your leave request before you are happy to request it. Once your leave has been approved, it will then appear on the appropriate date on the calendar view.

The Approval Process:

After submitting your leave request:
  • Your request will be sent to the approver who will either approve your request or deny it.
  • If your request gets approved, you will get a new email alerting you that it has been approved, which will come through as a meeting email. If it gets denied, you will get an email alerting you that it's been denied, but it will not get added to your calendar as a meeting.
  • Your leave will automatically get added to your Outlook calendar and appear as "Leave" on that chosen day/time period if it's been approved.