What is Percy Objectives?

Percy Objectives has been designed with the OKR framework in mind. It’s a framework that outlines the way you set goals that helps you and your team focus on what's important and achieve measurable results. The framework consists of two parts: objectives and key results. Objectives are the specific goals you want to achieve, and key results are the measurable outcomes that will indicate whether you've achieved your objective. For example:
  • Objective: Increase sales revenue for Q2 by 20%
    • Key Result:  Achieve a sales target of £500,000 in Q2
    • Key Result: Increase the number of customer demos by 50% in Q2
    • Key Result: Reduce the average sales cycle time from 30 to 20 days in Q2

In this example, the objective is to increase sales revenue by 20% for the second quarter (Q2) of the year. The key results are specific and measurable actions that the team will take to achieve this objective.

When using the OKR framework, it's important to ensure that the objectives and key results are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This will help the team stay focused, aligned, and accountable towards achieving their goals.

Percy Objectives is a tool that helps you and your team set and track OKRs. It's designed to make the process of setting and tracking goals simple and intuitive. You can set objectives at different levels, such as company, team, or individual, and assign key results to each objective to ensure accountability and measure progress. With Percy Objectives, you can see your progress in real-time, so you know exactly how you and your team are doing towards achieving your goals.

In addition to setting and tracking OKRs, Percy Objectives also promotes transparency and alignment within your team. By sharing your OKRs with your team, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that everyone is aware of each other's progress. This helps to create a sense of unity and shared responsibility, which is essential for achieving success as a team.

Finally, if you want to get started with Percy Objectives, you can add the Percy Objectives template to your intranet. If you feel more comfortable, you can reach out to our support team to get started. Alternatively, if you want to create a new site from scratch, you can do so in the SharePoint admin portal, and then apply the Percy Objectives site template. This will help you get started quickly and easily.