How to set up Percy Approve

Percy Approve is a tool built into Percy which allows you to have documents reviewed and approved before being shared with another party internal or external.

In order to get started, there will be a couple of configuration steps you can run through to set up Percy Approve in your environment. If you don't know how to access Percy Approve, please speak to your Intranet Owner or CSM as it may be that this hasn't been enabled for your environment yet.

There are two main lists we use to set up approvals, one of the lists is for our signatory roles and the other for the document types signatories. 

The signatory roles list is so when you create an approval, you're approvers are set up as "roles" rather than individuals. This helps reduce the risk of business change, you may have leavers, unexpected absence or leave so this grants you some flexibility when these changes occur as you can easily just update the role, rather than every single approval. 

The second list for Document Types is where you can configure each specific approval per document type. That might be "Statement of Work", "Purchase Order", "Invoice" etc. 

To access the lists, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Percy Approve site in SharePoint
  2. Click on the settings cog in the top right corner and select Site Contents.
  3. First you will need to add in your signatory roles, in the site contents list, click on Signatory Roles to open:
  4. In here, you will be able to click on the new button to add more signatory roles. You need the roles in order to create your approvals. Only one person can be assigned to a role. 

Once you have added in your roles, you can now access the document type signatories list.

  1. Firstly, you'll need to go back to your Site Contents, and select the Document Type Signatories list.
  2. Add a new item to the list, filling in the following information:
    1. Set the Title as the type of document you wish to have go through Percy Approve, and set the Document Type (this is pulled from the Term Store in SharePoint)
    2. Add up to 3 approvers under Approval. This uses the Signatory Roles list you set up earlier, these are the approvers of which this document type should be sent to for approval.  If you define multiple approvers, you can choose to either send the approval requests in sequence or simultaneously by ticking Approvers In Sequence and you can configure how many approvers are required. 
    3. Add up to 2 signatories under Authorisation. This also uses the Signatory Roles, so the authorisers will receive the approval once the approvers have completed it.
    4. Additional signatories can be defined under Technical Sign-Off or Business Sign-Off if required as this can be an additional option dependent on your document type. 
    5. Set the FileTo Path to the location where approved documents of this type should be sent to once it has completed its approval flow. 
  3. Once all the above fields have been filled out, click Save.

That's everything to get Percy Approve set up. Now when your team use Percy approve, they will be able to select the document type from the list and submit an approval. Click here for a guide on how to use it.