How to use Percy Approve

In this article, we will run through how to kick off and accept an approval in Percy Approve. In order for this to work, Percy Approve would need to be configured in your environment. If you encounter issues, make sure everything is set up correctly as per this guide.

How to submit new approval requests
  1. Go to your Percy Approve in SharePoint. On the dashboard you will see a list of previous submissions relevant to you, as well as a description of how the tool works:

  2. Click the Add New button
  3. You can either drag-and-drop your file, or paste a link to the file if it's stored in SharePoint

  4. Name the file and set the Document Type. The Document Type will define who needs to approve the document which has been pre-configured in the background:


  5. Click Save to submit the request
  6. You'll now be able to see your request under Documents. If you click on it from the documents list, you will be able to see the following:
    1. View who is approving the document and who still needs to (you can also Nudge to send a reminder)
    2. Create a Teams chat with the approvers
    3. Abandon the document, cancelling the approval request
  7. percyapprove-user-4


How to approve a request
  1. If a document is sent to you for approval, you'll be sent an email with details about the document, including who else is approving it, and a link to the document.
  2. Click Open Document to open it, and click Details to be taken to Percy Approve. Once you open the document you can then use the commenting and track changes functionality directly in the file to make your suggested updates or you can update the document directly. 

  3. If you click "Details", this will take you to Percy Approve where you get the approval status including the route its been on and the ability to start a chat with the requestor. 
  4. If you are happy to approve the document, click the green tick next to your name.


  5. This will then either kick off the next emails for your authorisers, or if there are no authorisers configured it will update the requestor and notify them that there document has been completed.