The difference between News Posts and News Links

An explanation of the different types of news you can add to your site.

There are two different types of news that you can add when creating news articles from your SharePoint site. When you click +New you have the option to create a News Post or a News Link.

With News Posts you still have all the options on editing and creating content as you would on a standard page. So, similar to pages, you can build your News Post and add interactive elements for more engaging content.

You would select the "News Post" option if you are writing content that you want to share on your intranet. With this option, you would typically have your own imagery, text and content you want to share as you are writing the post. 

With a News Link, this is typically used to link an external news article from a website, or another news outlet such as BBC News.


Simply take the URL of the news article you wish to post and add it through the "News Link" option.

Some sites, such as BBC News, will populate the thumbnail of the article, the title and description saving you a lot of time. Depending on the set up of the site, some of this information may be brought through automatically. However, in the circumstance that it doesn't get pulled through, you still have the option to delete or amend these details as required.

The News Link does not specifically have to be from a news site and can be any URL from anywhere on the internet. 

For more information on creating news posts - see further guidance here: Creating News Articles (